lørdag 24. september 2016

Tilda with spring flowers

Hi there. I am so happy to say that I have been chosen to join the Design team of Simply Magnolia.
It is such an honor to be among these wonderful group of designers.

On Simply Magnolia there is an ongoing challenge
with the theme Anything goes.
Come and join in with the fun.

My first contribution I am sharing with you is this card I made for
Agarshy's 11th birthday

All of my favorite things is included in this card. Magnolia stamp, doohickey dies, flowers and of caurse colored with copic markers. 

For this card I have used:
Magnolia stamp of Tilda with spring flowers from the Spring fever collection 2016
Colored with copics
Designpaper from Pion
Dies from Magnolia Doohickeys and Spellbinders
Flowers from WOC and others
Bling from my stash
and text by computer

This card will join in the fun with these challenges:
All About Magnolia Challenge - #16 All about Doohickeys and DT call (ends 2/10)
Paradise of Magnolia - #44 Sparkle and shine (ends 3/10)
Lovely Hänglar or sweet Magnolia challenge - #138 Anything goes (ends 7/10)
Fussy and Fancy Friday challenge blog - #173 My favorite things (ends 7/10)
Little Miss Muffet Challenge blog - #147 Anything goes (ends 6/10)

Wow,, thanks. This card have been chosen among top 3 at
Little Miss Muffet challenge
Thanks and congrats to the other winners and top 3.

Thanks for your visit
and I love to see you again.
xoxo Elin

tirsdag 20. september 2016


Jeg har helt glemt å dele med dere et intervju jeg deltok i for The Papercrafting - Scandinavian edition om Nordstjernen. Hvor de trekker fram flere fra Norden som elsker å holde på med papirhobby. Her finner du mange flotte mennesker som lager de utroligste ting. Jeg er meget beæret å bli spurt om å dele litt av min verden der. 

Du finner intervjuet her

Uansett hvem man tenker at jeg er, så blir jeg først og fremst meg selv.
Elin. Kona til Guru, mor til Steven og Vijey.
Datter, søster, svigerinne, tante, venninne og så sykepleier.
Kreativ og leken, med et smil til alle som fortjener det. (dvs alle)
Med en bagasje som bare er min, og sko som passer bare meg.
Altså vanskelig å definere...
Ta meg for den jeg er, eller la vær. 

Min familie. Min mann og meg som ung og i dag.
Og våre to flotte gutter.

Må ikke glemme denne flotte karen da..
Valtino er Vijey sin gode venn, og bor her sammen med oss.
En flott blanding av Husky og Fuglehund

Takk for besøket og velkommen tilbake
xoxo Elin

søndag 18. september 2016

Tilda with cherry dress

Sad to say it is the last challenge at the Time for Magnolia Challenge blog.
And I have my last Guestdesiger contribution for their challenge.
It would be so nice to see YOUR contribution as well. Come and join in the fun!

For this card I have used one of my first Magnolia Tilda stamps, and it is really fun to see how my coloring and card design have changed over the years.

This lovely Tilda was colored first time in 2008, and now last this summer
Funny to say, but I was so happy with her that time. I think she was first colored with Distress ink. The last one is colored with copic. 

Same image, but two different cards

For this card I have used:
Tilda in Cherry dress from the So Heavenly collection 2008
Colored with copic
Designpaper from Pion
Flowers from WOC
Bow from my stash
Dies from Magnolia Doohickeys and Spellbinders

This card will join in the fun with these challenges:
Marvelous Magnolia Challenge blog - #september - lace or ribbon (ends 30/9)
Paradise of Magnolia - #43 - show us your colors (ends 19/9)
Lovely Hänglar or Sweet Magnolia challenge blog - #138 - Anything goes (ends 6/10)
All about Magnolia Challenge blog - #16 - All about Doohickeys & Dt call (ends 2/10)
Glitter 'N' Sparkle Challenge blog - #206 - Anything goes (ends 25/9)
A Gem of a Challenge - #178 - Female birthday (ends 30/9)

Thank you for your visit.
Love to see you again soon ♥
xoxo Elin

tirsdag 13. september 2016

Romantic Boho Tilda

Hi everyone. Nice to see you again.
I have many things going on now in my life, and therefor not allways able to sit down with a computer to share with you. Working full time and along with my household stuff I am learning to drive car and just bought a car for practising. Next project is to move to another house. In between all that I also get a liiiiittle time for hobby. Could for shure need some extra hours in my day :)

I would like to share with you today my GD card for Time for Magnolia Challenge.
Just one day left in this challenges, so don't wait to join in the fun.
The theme is Glitter/bling and Lace.

This little cutie Tilda I really forgot I have. She is so adorable.
I also used her in a Kit&Clowder class to learn about nature backgrounds. Love these clouds :)
This card was also made for a lovley lady in Switzerland.
Happy Birthday to you Karina

For this card I have used:
Stamp: Romantic Boho Tilda from the Boho collection 2015
Colored with Copics
Designpaper from Pion
Dies from Magnolia Doohickeys, Spellbinders and some others I don't remember name on
Flowers from WOC
Some bling and a butterfly charm
Lace from my stash
Sentiments by computer

I will join in the fun with these challenges:
Marvelous Magnolia Challenge - #1.september - Lace or ribbon (ends 30/9)
Lovely Hänglar or sweet Magnolia challenge - #138 - Anything goes (ends 9/10)
Paradise of Magnolia - #43 - Show us your colours (ends 18/9)
Magnolia Forever - #41 - Charmed (ends 15/9)
Glitter 'N' Sparkle Challenge blog - #205 - Add some metal (ends 17/9)
Deep Ocean Challenge blog - #137 - Bingo, I have lace, die cut, charm (ends 19/9)
Little Miss Muffet Challenge blog - #146 - Anything goes (ends 21/9)

wow you look... This card got to be in the top 3 at the Magnolia Forever blog

Thanks a lot, and congrats to the other winners/top 3

This card was also chosen WINNER in Paradise of Magnolia

Thanks a lot, and congrats to the top 3

Thanks for stopping by,
and I love to see you again sometime soon
xoxo Elin
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